Movie Responses

The Lobster
Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos

Immediately intriguing, The Lobster explores a world where single-hood is illegal. As depressing as this may sound, the movie was made in a way that allowed me to appreciate comical peculiarities but still question the director's intent without feeling too cerebral. I thought that the dialogue, especially of Colin Farrell's character David, was written brilliantly. His simplistic, monotone form of speech added an unrealistic depth to the movieone that was necessary, because without the unreality, the movie would've been too heartbreaking to handle. I particularly loved the importance two characters placed on finding the one perfect and shared similarity. I found it sweet and romantic and caught myself longing for something equally endearing. Overall, I very much recommend this movie, especially to people who enjoy unearthing otherworldly possibilities. 

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